MCPHS HSC805 books

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Finding a Book

Books are excellent sources for both contextual information and in-depth literature on your research topic.

In this interactive tutorial you'll practice:

  • using topic keywords to find a book
  • using an exact title to find a book


Did You Know: clicking on an underlined word gives you more information. 


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Keyword Search for Books

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If you haven't already logged into, please do and make sure you're looking at the Library's page.

We're going to use the catalog find books on curriculum development here at MCPHS. To use keywords to find a book:

  • In the center of the page, click on Books & Videos (or choose it from the drop down menu).                 
  • Type your keywords: curriculum development into the search box in the center of the Library's homepage;

  • Make sure it's set to keyword;

  • leave it set to MCPHS Locations;

  • don't forget about clicking the search button!

Keyword Search for Books

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When you search for curriculum development, using keywords, at MCPHS locations, in all formats, approximately how many results did you get?

Narrowing Your Search

You may just want to see books that are available online (ebooks).

From the category filters on the right-hand side of your search results, select e-books and e-journal. Approximately how many books are you seeing now?

Note: Most ebooks require your institutional login for access, so you many not be able to get to ebooks through non-MCPHS institutions.

Expand Your Search

That initial search always limits the results to just MCPHS materials, but our catalog can additionally search 9 other academic libraries in the Boston area. You just remove the MCPHS filter and see what else is available to you through those libraries!

Using the option on the right-hand side of your search results, remove the MCPHS filter. Now approximately how many results do you have?

Exploring an eBook

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Academic ebooks function a bit differently than the ones you get for your Kindle. Let's go take a look.

  • First, make sure the the MCPHS location and ebook and ejournals filters are turned on.

  • Find and then click on an edited book titled Teaching in Nursing and Role of the Educator: The Complete Guide to Best Practice in Teaching, Evaluation and Curriculum Development.
    (it should be one of the first few results).

You should now be looking at the detailed record for the book.

Exploring an eBook

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To get right into the book, look for MCPHS under Holdings Information at the bottom on the page.

  • You may need your MCPHS login for access.

  • Once you're in an ebook, use the hyperlinked table of contents to move to the section or chapter that you're interested in reading.

  • Utilities, like citation tools and print options, will usually be above the main content.

Using the Contents for Teaching in Nursing and Role of the Educator, who wrote Chapter Four: Integrating Technology in Education?

Exploring an eBook

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Use the back button to return to the detailed record. (If that's acting weird, click here.)

Titles are great, but they can't tell you everything. Use the show full record option to see more detailed information - usually a table of contents, sometimes a summary, and always subject terms.

Click on the subject heading Teaching Methods, and then click on Teaching -- methods Type: Medical subject headings to see books associated with this term. Which is not one of the books listed?


Using a Title to Find a Book

You can always search for a book by it's title (or author), but you need to get it exactly right for this search feature to work.

Using a title search, which one of these gets you to a book:

Getting to a Print Book

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Let's head over to the book How to teach: a handbook for clinicians, to look at the features of a print book.

  • Under the holdings information, you'll notice that this is both at another library (NECO), has a call number, and is available.

To get this book, you can either:

  • make a request (on the right-hand side of the page).

  • head over to NECO and use your MCPHS ID as a library card to check it out.

Getting to a Print Book

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Don't worry if it's been a while since you used call numbers, your librarians are always happy to help you navigate the books!

Also, take a look at our FAQ on reading call numbers to refresh your memory. 

Still Got Questions?

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If you've still got questions on finding books or other materials in the catalog, or anything else Library-related just ask a librarian!

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