MCPHS Get Started Using Zotero

Open Zotero in another browser window to work through this tutorial side by side.

Collect, Save & Organize the Sources You Find.

An important part of finding great sources is to save them and their citations so that you can get back to them any time you want.

Through this tutorial you'll practice:

  • Creating your Zotero account
  • Connecting your browser + Zotero
  • Saving an article to your Zotero
  • Adding that article's citation to a document


Did You Know: clicking on an underlined word gives you more info.


Use the arrow below to get started!

First You'll Need an Account

Zotero is free to use, but you'll need to set up an account:

  • Make sure you're at
  • Click on Log In at the top right corner 
  • Follow the prompts to Register for a Free Account. (You can use a personal or school email address - either works.)

    Were you able to create an account?

Download the Connector and Library

Once you have an account and are logged in:

  • On, click on Download button.
  • On this page, Install the Connector for [your operating system]. 
  • Then download Zotero for [your operating system].

Were you able to set up the Connector in your browser?

Were you able to download Zotero onto your computer?

Set Your Preferences

  • Once you've download Zotero to your computer, open it, go to File > Preferences and choose these settings:
    • Sync - log in with the Zotero username and password you just created.
    • Export - choose your citation format.
    • Cite > Styles - choose your citation format.
    • Cite > Word Processor - Install Microsoft Add-in and choose the Use classic Add Citation dialogue option.

Excellent, you have a Zotero account and are ready to save stuff!

Were you able to set all these preferences?

Save Multiple Citations

Now that you have a place to collect, save and organize your sources, let's give it a try.

  • Head over to PubMed (hint: right-click on the link and open it in a new window).
  • Search for gender and health disparities
  • In your browser toolbar you'll see a folder icon. Click on the folder.
  • The list that pops up is of all the Zotero-friendly things on the page. Check off a few of the article titles.
  • Click OK.

That's it, you've added citations to Zotero!

Were you able to use the Connector to add citations to your Zotero Library?

Note: go to your Zotero library on your computer to see the citation you just added.

Add a Single Citation

You can also add citations (and their full-text articles) one at a time. 

  • Click on an interesting article (hint: right-click on the link and open it in a new window).
  • Now that you're on the abstract page, click on the article icon in your browser toolbar.

That's it, you've added a citation and its pdf to your Zotero!

Were you able to add the citation and pdf to your Zotero?


Note: In your Zotero library, click on an article to expand it and see both the citation info & pdf.

Use a Citation

Now that you've saved a citation to Zotero, it's time to use it in a paper.

  • First, make sure Zotero is set to your citation style of choice (the preferences you set up in Step Three).
  • Next, open a document.
  • In your Zotero library select an article.
  • Drag it to your document (you can also select several articles and drag them over together).

 That's it!

Note: for longer writing projects we recommend using the Word Add-In, as it's a more dynamic and robust tool.

Were you able to drag a citation from your Zotero library into a Word document?


Additional Tools

Through this tutorial you practiced:

  • Creating your Zotero account
  • Connecting your browser + Zotero
  • Saving an article to your Zotero
  • Adding that article's citation to a document

There are lots of other great Zotero tools & features, and you can find out more about them on the MCPHS Zotero Guide.

Still Got Questions?

If you've still got questions about Zotero, other citation management tools, using the Library's resources, or anything else, just ask a librarian!

Call (Boston): 617-732-2813
Email: Submit a Question
Chat: Ask a Librarian

Or, explore our Frequently Answered Questions.





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