Welcome to MediaNet!

Cat ready for Teaching Collection items!

MediaNet is the primary tool we use to book Teaching Collection items for patrons. All Teaching Collection items can be found in the catalog, but they are also searchable in MediaNet. However, MediaNet ONLY contains Teaching Collection items; it does NOT contain circulating media or items owned by FLO schools.

Which system you start your search in is really a matter of preference. However, if you cannot find what you are looking for in one system it is best practice to try the other before turning a patron away.

To actually book Teaching Collection items in MediaNet you will have to log in. But, because logging in will provide access to people's private, personal information we will save this for on-the-job training. Because you won't be logged in, some features that display in image thumbnails will not be available to you in this guide. For now, let’s just explore how to search for an item in MediaNet.

When you are ready, navigate to the next page of this guide to begin.

Searching for Items in MediaNet

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So how do we know what’s in the Teaching Collection? From clicking the "Search" tab at the top of the page or the "Search Nonprint Catalog" link at the bottom of the page.

Highlighting the search buttons on MediaNet

TIP: All pictures in this guide can be enlarged when you click on them, making them more accessible.

The default for searching the Nonprint Catalog is a keyword search, which is helpful if you know a portion of the title and the filmmaker's name, for instance.

Search Features are highlighted in this image

If you know the patron is interested in a particular format, you can limit your search results by clicking "Expand" and selecting the desired format.

Formats listed in the search feature are highlighted

Why don’t you try searching for "Citizen Kane."

Searching for Items in MediaNet

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On the search results page items will be listed alphabetically by title and format information will display to the right of the green "Pick" button.

If your search yields too many results you can filter by format by clicking "expand" post-search as well.

Once you find the item you’re looking for, clicking the green "Pick" button next to a search result will bring you to the next step in the booking process. (But again, we’ll talk more about booking items later, so don’t worry about this for now.)

Search results of Citizen Kane

If the search results do not display enough information for you to identify the desired item, begin clicking on title links to see more information about the item.

Click on one of the search results for Citizen Kane.

Searching for Items in MediaNet

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Here, you find information about each item like a description of the media resource. These descriptions are incredibly useful for determining whether you've found the item the patron is asking for.

This page also displays information like call numbers, location information (Main Office = Service Desk; Storage = the second floor storage space), number of copies, etc. These details will help you find the item on the shelves.

Important features of a MediaNet item record are featured here


Additional Practice

MediaNet can take some getting used to. Why don't you practice searching for a few more items. 

Do we have Grapes of Wrath on DVD?

Do we have the short film "Un chant d'amour" by Silvia Gruner?

Do we have any collections of Buster Keaton's works?

Do we have the movie Up?


Dug, the dog from Up

That's All, Folks!

And that's the basics of using MediaNet! Thanks for taking the tour. We will be talking about the functions of MediaNet much more in-depth during on-the-job training. For now, head back to Canvas to continue your training.


Celebrating dogs


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