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This tutorial was developed for the BSN program students.

Areas covered include a Library overview, resource types (books, articles, web sites), and evaluating and citing resources.


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Tutorial Navigation

  • Top menu: Use the menu icon at the top of the page to go to any section and the print icon for a printer-friendly transcript.
    Navigating the Tutorial
  • Bottom menu: Use the Previous and Next arrows to proceed through the tutorial.


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  • Icons used in this tutorial:

    • A mouse icon Click to change right window of tutorial will prompt you to click on the adjacent hyperlinked text to change the right window frame.

    • A computer icon  Prompt to complete an action in the right frame.  will prompt you to complete an action in the right display window.


Library Overview

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Welcome to the Emmanuel College Library

Front Entrance to the Library

  • Group Study Rooms, Academic Resource Center (ARC), and Classrooms are in the Library lower level.

Library Overview

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  • The Reference and Circulation desks are on the first floor along with study areas, the reference computers, and the reference book collection.
  • The circulating book collection is on the second.

    Circulation Desk

Library Overview

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The Library Web Site Click to change right window of tutorial Click Here

Screenshot of Library homepage

In addition to the chat option on the home page, the menu option Contact Us provides options to contact the reference librarians. Use the About menu option and the tab How do I ... to find information on the library services and policies.

Library Overview

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Policies and Services discussed include:

  • Reserves: Course-specific materials located at the Circulation Desk by professor request. (In-house use with your library barcode.)
  • Interlibrary Loan: A service that allows the Emmanuel College Community to borrow books and photocopied items from other libraries.

Library Overview

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The following sections of this tutorial will focus on the library resources accessed through the center tabbed box, including using ALL IN search and the resources found on the research guide for Nursing and Medical.

Resource Type: Books

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The Library collection contains both print and e-books.

Note: Off campus, enter your Portal username and password to view the e-books.

Resource Type: Books

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Use the ALL IN search option on the Library home page to find books available at Emmanuel and the other Fenway Libraries Online (FLO) libraries. Additionally, this search will also retrieve articles available through our databases.

Click to change right window of tutorial Click Here to see the results of an ALL IN search for Florence Nightingale

Resource Type: Books

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Prompt to complete an action in the right frame. Click on the Books limit options on the left under the heading Filter by Source Type

The results will now be limited to the print and e-books available at Emmanuel.

Resource Type: Books

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Clicking on the book titles on the result list will bring up detailed information about the book.

Click to change right window of tutorial Click Here for an example of a print book.

  • The location information includes the call number (RT37.N5 C76 2013) where the book is shelved and the status.

Click to change right window of tutorial Click Here for an example of a e-book.

  • Click on the Full Text link from either the results page or the detailed view to access the book.
  • Off campus, you will be prompted to enter your Emmanuel username (without the "@emmanuel.ed") and password.

Resource Type: Books

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To locate useful information in either an print or e-book, use the: Book Cover: NursingTheorists and Their Work

  • Table of Contents at the front of the book.
  • Index in the back of the book, which provides an alphabetical list of topics found in the book.

Also, examine the list of references at the end of the book or each chapter for potential sources.

Resource Type: Articles

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Articles are more likely to focus on a narrower topic and to be published more quickly than books.

Use the Library's subscription databases to find articles.

Most databases are available off campus to the Emmanuel Community once you enter your Emmanuel username (without the "") and password.

Resource Type: Articles

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Click to change right window of tutorialClick Here to return to the Library's Home Page

On the Library home page, use the Research Guides to access subject-specific databases.

These databases provide greater depth in their targeted subject areas.

Resource Type: Articles

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The Library's Nursing and Medical article databases can be accessed through the Research Guides drop-down options to the right of the ALL IN search.

Click to change right window of tutorial Click Here to view the Nursing and Medical guide.

CINAHL with Full Text is the first database listed on the Article Databases: Ranked by Relevance section.

Click to change right window of tutorial Click Here to access CINAHL with Full Text.

Resource Type: Articles

4 of 13The following steps will take you through the process of  finding peer-reviewed articles in CINAHL with Full Text. The example research topic will be:

"How can the Orem Self-Care Model be applied for the care of patients diagnosed with cancer?"

Peer Reviewed:

  • The articles are screened by experts in the particular field prior to inclusion in the journal.
  • The authors have specialized training in the particular field (e.g. PhD).
  • The articles contain scholarly research and  references.

Resource Type: Articles

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Prompt to complete an action in the right frame.In the Limit your results section found below the text boxes, select Peer Reviewed.

Screenshot of CINAHL with peer reviewed

Note: From the results list, the limits are available in the left column.

Resource Type: Articles

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When searching CINAHL with Full Text, create a keyword search string by combining important ideas using AND, OR.

Prompt to complete an action in the right frame.

Enter "Orem Self-Care Model" in the first text box.

Screenshot of CINAHL with "Orem Self-Care Model" in the first text box.

Quotes are used to search for phrases. 

Use the default Select a Field field, which searches the title, subject headings, and abstract but not the author field.

Prompt to complete an action in the right frame.Click on Search.

Resource Type: Articles

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Prompt to complete an action in the right frame.Next, enter Cancer in the second text box.

Screenshot of CINAHL with "Orem Self-Care Model" in the first text box and cancer in the second text box.

AND connecting the contents of the first and second text boxes narrows a search to materials that contain both.

Prompt to complete an action in the right frame.Click on Search.

Resource Type: Articles

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Did adding a second term connected with AND increase or decrease the number of results in the sample search on the right? (The number of results are listed above the results list.)

Resource Type: Articles

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Prompt to complete an action in the right frame.Add oncology as an alternative term in the same text box as cancer using OR between the terms.

Screenshot of CINAHL with "Orem Self-Care Model" in the first text box and cancer or oncology in the second text box.

OR broadens or expands the search by retrieving materials that contain either or both search terms. Use OR between alternative terms for a concept.

Prompt to complete an action in the right frame.Click on Search.

Resource Type: Articles

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Did the addition of an alternative term connected with OR increase or decrease the number of results in the sample search on the right?

Resource Type: Articles

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Clicking on the article title accesses further information such as:

  • Subject headings
  • An abstract summarizing the article
  • Author Affiliation

Click to change right window of tutorialClick Here to view the detailed record for:
Moore, J., & Beckwitt, A. (2006). Self-care operations and nursing interventions for children with cancer and their parents. Nursing Science Quarterly, 19, 147-156. doi: 10.1177/0894318406286594

Resource Type: Articles

12 of 13Articles that are full text will have a PDF Full Text hyperlink in the left column.

For the Moore and Beckwitt article, full text is not available in CINAHL with Full Text.

To see if full text is available in one of the Library's other databases, click on the Find it@Emmanuel button.

Email, print, or save options are available on the right in the article detailed record.

Resource Type: Articles

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Test your knowledge with creating search strings.

Which search string would retrieve fewer results.

Which search string would retrieve a greater number of results?

Which search string best reflects the following research question:
“What are health issues experienced by homeless women?”

Accessing Full Text from an Article Citation

If you have a journal article citation containing the journal title and publication date, use the Full-Text Finder to see full-text availability in the Library's subscription databases and in print.
Click to change right window of tutorialClick Here to view "How do I find the full text of an article from a citation?".

Resource Type: Web Site

  • Web sites should only be used when you can determine their source, accuracy, and currency.
  • Your professor should approve any web sites you use.
  • For further information about evaluating web sites, see the next section on evaluating resources and the "FAQ: How do I evaluate a web site?."

Evaluating Resources

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When evaluating a potential resource, consider the following: (Gibaldi, 2009, pp. 33-38)

  • Authorship and Authority
  • Accuracy and Verifiability
  • Currency

 New Books section

Evaluating Resources

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1. Authorship and Authority (Gibaldi, 2009, pp. 33-38)

Author Credential information:

  • Educational degrees (e.g., PhD or MD);
  • Affiliations (e.g., educational or research institution); and
  • Work experience.

Hint: Author information may be listed at the beginning or end of an article/book. Also, search for information on the web.

Publisher and publication information:

  • Peer reviewed
  • Association with educational institutions or professional organizations (e.g., American Nurses Association)

Evaluating Resources

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2. Accuracy and Verifiability (Gibaldi, 2009, pp. 33-38)

Bias or point of view

  • Look at the author and publication affiliations for potential sources of bias.
  • Note the wording/tone of the work and how thoroughly the author explores differing opinions.


  • Determine if the author has citations backing up any claims within a work.
  • See if other sources are claiming the same thing.

 3. Currency (Gibaldi, 2009, pp. 33-38)

  • The publication date may affect accuracy and have an effect on point of view or bias.

Citing Sources

1 of 3“Using another person’s ideas, information, or expressions without acknowledging that person’s work constitutes intellectual theft.”
(Gibaldi, 2009, p. 52)

Any fact that is not common knowledge (e.g, George Washington was the first U.S. president) or any idea that is not your own, must be cited.Book Cover: The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association

Emmanuel's BSN Program requires papers be formatted and cited using the sixth edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA), which is available for in-library use at the Reference Desk.




Citing Sources

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  • In text: (Moore & Beckwitt, 2006, p. 150)

  • Reference at the end of the paper:
    Moore, J., & Beckwitt, A. (2006). Self-care operations and nursing interventions for children with cancer and their parents. Nursing Science Quarterly, 19, 147-156. doi:10.1177/0894318406286594


  • Write out your citations as you proceed so that they will be correct and complete.
  • Plan ahead so that if you have a question concerning the format of a specific citation, you have time to speak with your professor.

Click to change right window of tutorial Click Here for the APA Citation Style guide

Citing Sources

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Thank you from the Library Staff.

We welcome your questions.

Use the Contents option above to review any section.

Tutorial References

Gibaldi, J. (2009). MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers (7th ed.). New York: The Modern Language Association of America.


Academic Resource Center (ARC): ARC services include writing specialists. See their web page for further details.

Article Databases: Library's Subscription Databases index and often provide full text of articles published in journals and newspapers, along with information from other reliable sources.

Book Index: Use the Index in the back of the book to look up your topic and other related topics.

Circulating books: These books may be checked out for a 30-day period and generally provide greater depth on a topic.

Circulation Desk:
You will need to visit the Circulation Desk to register for a barcode. To register at the Library: Bring your Emmanuel ID to the Circulation Desk, complete an application form, and receive your Library barcode. For information on getting an Emmanuel ID, call Campus Safety at 617-735-9710.

Call number: Our print books are assigned a unique call number based on how an item is classified, which determines where it will be shelved. Library of Congress (LC) classification system, which is used by most academic libraries, classifies items by broad subject category and then by sub categories.

Citation style manuals: describe how to cite sources and format your paper.The various citation styles use different formats for citing the different types of sources.

Electronic or E-Books: are accessed online through the Library Web Site. Off campus, you will need to enter your Portal username and password to view them.

Fenway Libraries Online (FLO):
A ten-member partnership comprised of the libraries at Emerson College, Emmanuel College, Lesley University (including the Art Institute of Boston), Massachusetts College of Art and Design, Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, Museum of Fine Arts and the Museum School, New England College of Optometry, New England Conservatory of Music, Wentworth Institute of Technology, and Wheelock College.
FLO is the library’s automated resource sharing network. The FLO network offers interlibrary loan services for document delivery of books and journal articles, and provides walk-in circulation and reference privileges.

Fenway Library Consortium:
FLC institutions provide circulation/borrowing privileges to Emmanuel College Patrons with a valid ID card.
Members include Brookline Public Library, Hebrew College, New England Institute of Art, Roxbury Community College, Simmons College, Suffolk University, University of Massachusetts Boston, and the ten members of Fenway Libraries Online. FLC provides students and faculty with access to 1.5 million volumes held collectively.

Full-text finder: is used to see if the library has full-text availability. A link the Full-Text finder is found in the Article section of the Library home page.

Interlibrary Loan (ILL): Emmanuel College’s Interlibrary Loan (ILL) Service allows the Emmanuel College Community to borrow books and photocopied items from other libraries.

Keyword search string: Created by combining important ideas from your research topic using AND, OR. This technique is used when searching in the article databases.

Library’s print collection:
All disciplines in the College curriculum are represented. Holdings include: more than 161,000 titles in the electronic, circulating and reference collections; more than 2,000 active journal subscriptions in print and online; and 61 online database resources. (Note: Off-campus access is available for most of the electronic resources with the Online Academic Resources account information.)

Magazine Articles: Magazine articles are generally not screened by experts in the particular field. Authors do not usually have specialized training in the particular field. The article content often consists of current topics such as pop culture or current events and usually does not contain references.

Multidisciplinary databases: are the largest of our databases and contain the broadest amount of information covering many different subject areas.
Academic Search Premier is one of the Library's multidisciplinary databases

Newspaper Articles: are generally not screened by experts in the particular field. Authors do not usually have specialized training in the particular field. The article content often consists of current events; book/movie reviews; or historical perspectives and usually does not contain references.

Online Catalog: Use the Online Catalog to search books, electronic books, videos, journals and reserve materials available at Emmanuel and other Fenway Libraries Online (FLO) members libraries.

Peer-Reviewed Articles: are screened by experts in the particular field prior to inclusion in the journal. Authors have specialized training in the particular field (e.g., PhD). The article content consists of scholarly research and contains references.

Reference Books: These books are for in-Library use only and often give an overview of a topic.