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Rehabilitation Reference Center (RRC) - Exercise Images

This interactive tutorial will help you find and print exercise images for your patients. You can practice the searches on the screen to the right.



Searching for Images

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This tutorial will review two ways to access exercise images; through a basic search and through browsing.

Searching for Images

2 of 3Basic Image Search

Using the basic search box enter the topic you want to find images for and press select.

Example: type 'levator scapula' into the search box.

A large box will open containing your results. To view the available exercise images click on the "Exercise Images" tab. (Make sure you choose the tab below the search box).

 On the right hand screen, click on the exercise image.

Then click print. It is at this time that you can customize the handout to your patient by entering their information. You can also print out an acknowledgement page that can be signed stating that they understand the exercise (just check the proper box. Once the information is entered click on 'print' located in the center of the page.

Practice on your own. Find a stretching exercise for the 'upper trap' (caution: this may be a trick)

Click here for answer

Return to the home page via the link in the top left corner of the screen.

Searching for Images

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Browse Images

To browse images click on the green 'Exercise Images' tab above the search box.

Choose a category. At each level you will narrow your search. Once you have selected an image you can print it as described earlier in the basic search.


Locate the 'diamond kick' exercise image below
