Chapter 1

This is content.

This tutorial was developed by the library staff for the Bachelor of Science in Nursing program students.

This tutorial contains an overview of the library, a discussion of the resource types (books, articles, web sites) and how to access them, and an overview of evaluating and citing the resources.

Chapter 2

Navigating through the Tutorial

Use the bottom arrows to proceed through the tutorial.
Tutorial bottom Navigation
Use the Contents option to return to any section and the print icon to display a printer-friendly transcript.
Tutorial Top navigation
Throughout this tutorial you will encounter four icons that will prompt you to take specific actions.

When you see an Click for further information, click on the underlined text next to it to see details about a term; click again to close.

Chapter 3

When you see a mouse icon,Click to change right window of tutorial, click on the hyperlinked text to change the right window frame. For example,Click to change right window of tutorial view library hours.

Prompt to complete an action in the right frame.An arrow will prompt you to complete an action in the right display window.

Test Question


Prompt to complete an assignment question.An assignment icon will prompt you to complete question(s) on your assignment provided by your professor.

Click to change right window of tutorial View the Library map.
Outside the Library

  •  More text.  

    a or b?


Please enter your name and email address to retrieve a copy of your completed quiz.

You can enter multiple email addresses separated by commas. If you are doing this for a class, you may need to enter your instructor's email address also.


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