Responsibility Forms are these wonderful webforms that we make patrons fill out EVERY SINGLE TIME they want to borrow one of the library's laptops or iPads. These forms should be completed BEFORE you check the item out to the patron in Voyager.

The laptop form is displayed on the right. The iPad form follows the same format but with iPad-specific details. Both forms open as default tabs in Firefox at the Service Desk.

I don't always fill out responsibility forms but when I do I can borrow a laptop


Responsibility Forms serve two purposes:

1. If a patron ever has questions about replacing broken or lost components of a laptop or iPad (this includes powercords, accessories, etc.) or if they claim they didn't know there were overdue fines for laptops or iPads we can point to the form and say "you agreed to these terms and conditions."

2. If we ever need to know which patron had a laptop or iPad on any given day/time, the data submitted through the form gets stored in a place where Julie can retrieve it. This comes in handy if we realize after a laptop or iPad has been discharged that a component is missing (but obviously this never happens because every staff member checks for every component every time a laptop or iPad is charged or discharged winkyface).


The Responsibility Forms should automatically open when you start Firefox on a Service Desk computer.

When a patron requests a laptop or iPad select the appropriate tab in the browser (for the purposes of this example we will be working with the laptop form).

Every field is required and the form will not be accepted until every field is populated with information (which is a good thing because sometimes patrons try to click "Submit" before you fill out your initials at the end of the form (silly patrons!)).

If you filled out the form correctly a small pop-up saying "Thank You" should appear before the form resets for the next transaction.


And now for some instructions...

Pretend that a patron named Buster Bluth (ID Number: E46654263) would like to check out laptop #4 at 2:50pm on Friday, August 26, 2016.

First, fill out "Date of checkout," "Time of checkout (round to the nearest half hour," and "Laptop number" with the information provided above.


[Buster Bluth; ID Number: E46654263; laptop #4; 2:50pm; Friday, August 26, 2016.]

At this point we normally ask the patron to read the terms and conditions and fill out their "Full name," "Emerson ID," and click "I agree," but Buster only has one hand so fill out these sections for him.


[Buster Bluth; ID Number: E46654263; laptop #4; 2:50pm; Friday, August 26, 2016.]

Finally, fill in the field labeled "Staff initials" with your initials, click "Submit," and watch what happens.


You should see a pop-up that says "Thank you!" and the form should reset for the next transaction.

(The iPad Responsibility Form follows the same format, but says "This is the iPad form" in the middle and has iPad specific policy information, so it is important you use the correct form for the desired item.)

Congratulations, you have successfully submitted a Laptop Responsibility Form!

Now, please return to Canvas and proceed with Phase 2 of Canvas training.




Please enter your name and email address to retrieve a copy of your completed quiz.

You can enter multiple email addresses separated by commas. If you are doing this for a class, you may need to enter your instructor's email address also.


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