FOLIO Title Level Requests

Open FOLIO Title Level Requests in another browser window to work through this tutorial side by side.

Welcome to the FOLIO Title Level Requests tutorial.

Please watch the videos on users and requests before beginning this tutorial and complete the Circulation training exercise.

This exercise will teach you how to place a title level request from the Requests app, switch between title level and item level requests, fill page requests, and return an item.

Click the arrow to get started.

Part 1: Logging in

If you haven't already, log into the FLO FOLIO sandbox using the following credentials:

Username: training

Password: Training22!

Part 2: Placing Title Level Requests

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Note: Item and title level requests may be initiated from the Inventory app, Users app, or the Requests app. This is an example workflow for initiating a title level request from the Requests app. 

For the purposes of this exercise, imagine that you have received a phone call from faculty member Susan Collins (800933). Susan would like to place a request on Principles of Chinese Painting by George Rowley. You start by navigating to the Requests app to create a new request.

1. From the apps menu, click on the "Requests" button to be taken to the Requests app.

Part 2: Placing Title Level Requests

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2. From the "Actions" menu on the right side, select "New" to create a new request. You will be taken to a new screen with the "New request" form.

Part 2: Placing Title Level Requests

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The "Create title level request" box on the top left will automatically be checked. To switch to an item level request, uncheck the box. Go ahead and test this to see what happens.

Note that the title lookup is only available for title level requests. Item levels requests require an item barcode.

Make sure the title level request box is checked and continue to the next step.

Part 2: Placing Title Level Requests

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3.  You will need to fill in the item and requester information.

Note: initiating a request from the Inventory app or the Users app will automatically fill in the information for the selected item or user.

Start by selecting the "Title look-up" link. A pop-up window will appear allowing you to search for the requested item: Principles of Chinese Painting by George Rowley. The inventory search is explained in more detail in Unit 6.

For now, enter the phrase "principles of Chinese painting" to search for the item by title. Select the item from the list.

The item information is now added to the request.

Part 2: Placing Title Level Requests

5 of 74. At this point, you can enter additional request information in the expiration date and patron comments fields. For the purposes of this exercise, go ahead and enter tomorrow's date in the Request Expiration Date field and leave the patron comments blank.

The request type will default to "Page" or "Hold" depending on whether a copy of the item is available. A page request is available to be pulled immediately. A hold request means that no items are available and the request will be filled when an item becomes available (e.g. an item is returned to the library and checked in).

Leave the the Request type as "Page" and continue to the "Requester" section.

Part 2: Placing Title Level Requests

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5. Use the "Requester look-up" link to search for patron Susan Collins by name, or enter the patron's barcode 800933 in the "Requester barcode" field. The barcode field is easier to use when the patron's library card is available to scan, and the "Requester look-up" is easier when the barcode is not immediately available.

Part 2: Placing Title Level Requests

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6. Select values for the "Fulfillment preference" and "Pickup service point" dropdown menus. Options in these menus will vary by library. In this case, the only available fulfillment preference is to put the item on the hold shelf. Choose "Circ Desk 1" as the service point.

Confirm the request by choosing "Save & close" on the bottom right.

You have successfully created a title level request!

Feel free to practice these steps by creating additional requests for patron Susan Collins at Circ Desk 1 for the following items:

  • East West songs - Barcode 0113303008503
  • Vivien Leigh : a biography - Barcode 0113501421425
  • Notturno n. 3 per pianoforte - Barcode 0113302681599

When you are ready, move on to the next step.

Hint: you can use the "duplicate" option from the action menu to quickly create a new request and edit the item information.

Part 3: Filling Page Requests

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Imagine that you have been assigned to pull patron requests from the stacks and place them on the holds shelf for pickup.

1. Start by navigating to the Requests app and confirming that you are assigned to Circ Desk 1 in the upper right.

If necessary, select the "Switch service point" option to move to Circ Desk 1. Available service point options will vary by library.

Part 3: Filling Page Requests

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2. From the "Actions" menu, select "Print pick slips for Circ Desk 1." You can only print pick slips for requests where the pickup location is the current service point.

Wait a moment for the slips to generate. The pick slip will contain the information you need to find and retrieve the item from the stacks, but the format will vary by library.

Part 3: Filling Page Requests

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Imagine that you have retrieved the requested items from the stacks. The next step is to check the items in and place them on the holds shelf for the patron.

3. Navigate to the "Check in" app and check in the items:



A pop-up message will appear for each item with an open request indicating that the item is now available for pickup. If hold notifications are enabled, a notification will be sent to the patron.

Uncheck the "Print slip" box, or leave it checked to generate a hold slip. The hold slip would be placed with the item on the hold shelf, but you can cancel this step for the purposes of this exercise.

The item's status will now be "Awaiting pickup" instead of "Available."

Check in the items and end the session.


Part 3: Filling Page Requests

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Imagine that patron Susan Collins (800933) has arrived at the circulation desk to pick up her items. You retrieve the items from the hold shelf and check them out.

4. Navigate to the Check out app and enter the patron barcode or use the patron lookup to find Susan Collins. Note that the patron information includes a link to any open requests.

Part 3: Filling Page Requests

5 of 65. Check out the items to the patron and end the session:


Part 3: Filling Page Requests

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Imagine that 2 weeks have passed and the patron has returned the items to the library.

6. Navigate to the Check in app and check in the items:


The items will change status back to "Available."

You have now successfully filled a page request and returned an item!


Please enter your name and email address to retrieve a copy of your completed quiz.

You can enter multiple email addresses separated by commas. If you are doing this for a class, you may need to enter your instructor's email address also.