Areas covered in this tutorial include a Library overview, ALL IN search, finding books, and finding articles.
Tutorial Navigation
Welcome to the Emmanuel College Library
The Computer Lab, Group Study Rooms, Academic Resource Center (ARC), Classrooms, and faculty offices are in the Library lower level.
To register for a Library barcode: Bring your Emmanuel ID to the Circulation Desk and complete an application form.
The Library Web Site Click Here http://library.emmanuel.eduLibrary Web Site main search contains:
The right column of the Library Web Site contains:
The bottom left Quick Links contains:
The following sections of this tutorial will focus on using the library resources.
Click Here to return to the Library's Home Page
Use the ALL IN option to find books available at Emmanuel and other Fenway Libraries Online (FLO) libraries along with articles available through our databases.
This option is useful when starting your research without limiting to books or articles.
The searching will be similar to the article searching that we will next go over.
Articles, found using the Library's subscription databases, are more likely to focus on a narrower topic and are often published more quickly than books.
Note: Off campus, enter your Emmanuel username and password to search the Library's databases.
Use the Research Guides options and Article Databases links to access to the databases.
Enter global warming in the textbox as a keyword search.
Peer-reviewed articles are screened by experts in the field.
Click on Search.
Click Here to see the results of the search.
Next, limit the date to 2012 to 2017 using the filter options on the left.
Next, enter regulations in the second text box.
AND connecting the contents of the first and second text boxes narrows a search to materials that contain both.
Did adding a term in the second text box connected with AND increase or decrease the number of results in the sample search on the right? (The number of results are listed above the results list.)
Add policies as an alternative term in the same text box as regulations using OR between the terms.
OR broadens or expands the search by retrieving materials that contain either or both of the alternative terms.
Did the addition of an alternative term connected with OR increase or decrease the number of results in the sample search on the right?
Add Sweden in the third text box to further focus the search and, then, click on Search.
Access the research guides under the Quick Links section.
Click Here to view the Business and Economics guide.
Use the Books tab to find books available at Emmanuel and the other Fenway Libraries Online (FLO) libraries. The Library collection contains both print and e-books.
To search the Online Catalog for a topic:
Example search: global warming
Click Here to view search results.
Click on the filters on the right to limit to 2010 and after.
Print books will have a Call Number. Books with similar content have similar numbers and are shelved near to each other.
Click Here to view an example of an e-book.
To locate useful information in a book, use:
Also, examine the list of references at the end of the book or each chapter for potential sources.
Thank you from the Library Staff.
We welcome your questions.
Use the menu icon in the top menu to review any section.